Clicking on this blue square gives you correct entrance into The Heritage of the Great War - to the FrontpageTHE HERITAGE OF THE GREAT WARClicking on this blue square gives you correct entrance into The Heritage of the Great War - to the Frontpage
Clicking on this blue line gives you correct entrance into The Heritage of the Great War - to the Frontpage

Writing a letter in a trench in the Great WarContacting The Heritage of the Great War


To professionals: Maintaining and editing 'The Heritage of the Great War' website is a time-consuming task. The website is not my job, it is an unpaid hobby.
I get so many requests for pictures from publishers and editors of newspapers, books, magazines or tv-programs, that it would take most if not all the time I can spare for the website. Therefore I had to make a choice: I still help individuals and students with their schoolwork, but I stopped assisting professionals. Sorry - no more writing for other publications, no more finding or sending high-resolution pictures.
On the other hand: you make take and use whatever you want from the website (please check our note on copyrights first). If you use any material from 'The Heritage of the Great War', I would be pleased if you mention the website in your publication, but that is not obligatory.

To individuals: I am happy to help you with your schoolwork or with other questions you may have on the Great War in general, or on this website in particular. Please click on the link below and send me an e-mail. I'll try to answer you as soon as possible.
Other comments or suggestions for this site are also welcome.

Rob Ruggenberg / The Heritage of the Great War

Send e-mail to the editor

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