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Star   Pictures Frank Hurley - 1   Star

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Infantry moving forward to take over the front at evening

Red Button   Click on one of the small photo's below - and you'll get the full picture.

Picture Frank Hurley The Front Line Picture Frank Hurley Scene in the trenches
Picture Frank Hurley Laying a duckboard track Picture Frank Hurley Just as it was
Picture Frank Hurley In an elephant iron
dugout on Hill 60
Picture Frank Hurley Conducting a battle in a
shell proof dugout
Picture Frank Hurley The camouflaged road to
Picture Frank Hurley Limbers carrying up
ammunition at sunset
Picture Frank Hurley The day before the battle:
a dump of material
accumulated in an
advanced position
Picture Frank Hurley Infantry marching ahead in
a single line to the front
Picture Frank Hurley Shrapnel bursting amongst
reconnoitering planes
Picture Frank Hurley The Battle of Zonnebeeke
(combined negatives)
Picture Frank Hurley Battle scarred sentinels
(combined negatives)
Picture Frank Hurley Death the Reaper
(combined negatives)
Picture Frank Hurley The dawn of Passchendaele
(combined negatives)
Picture Frank Hurley Carrying in the wounded
during the height of the
(combined negatives)
Picture Frank Hurley The Battle of the Menin
Picture Frank Hurley A Stretcher Case
Picture Frank Hurley Scene in an advanced dressing
station during a battle
Picture Frank Hurley Attending to the wounded
in an advanced dressing
station on Hill 60
Picture Frank Hurley Looking out from the
entrance of a captured
Pill-Box on to the shell
ravaged battlefield
(combined negatives)
Picture Frank Hurley A windy outpost on
Westhoek Ridge
Picture Frank Hurley A Hun Pill-Box amidst
surroundings characteristic
of the Ypres salient
Picture Frank Hurley Voormezeele
Picture Frank Hurley A road on the battlefield,
Picture Frank Hurley A tired Battalion marching
out of line

To the Frank Hurley pageTo the second thumbnail page

Button  Click on a number for the other pages with Hurley's pictures: 0 - 1 - 2

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