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"I'll tell


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Here we give you ninety-nine citations from, or about the Great War. All are worth remembering.

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Or, you can choose a number from the table of content below:

01. Edmond Taylor: The First World War killed fewer victims...
02. Ernest Hemingway: There was no really good true war book...
03. S. Sassoon: I believe the war is deliberately prolonged...
04. Carson Stewart: When they took the Roll Call after Loos...
05. W. Hay: You were between the devil and the deep blue sea...
06. Reinhold Spengler: For a young man who had a long future...
07. Hans Schetter: The whole earth is ploughed by exploding...
08. Colonel W.N. Nicholson: It is a commentary on modern war...
09. Lt. Phelps Harding: We passed dead men of both armies...
10. Lt. K. Tower: The enemy started to advance in mass down...

11. Mary Allen: A soldier was so disordered while going down...
12. S. Sassoon: Watching a big boat which was steaming along...
13. Bertrand Russell: And all this madness, all this rage...
14. An officer: Yesterday I visited a battlefield of last year...
15. W. de Herder: The wood of the walnut is reckoned among...
16. Robert Graves: Before an attack, the platoon pools all its...
17. Kaiser Wilhelm II: I look upon the People and the Nation...
18. H.G. Wells: We were not making war against Germany...
19. Bertrand Russell: Against the majority of my countrymen...
20. Henry Ford: I didn't get much peace, but I heard in Norway...

21. Robert Graves: The old lady told me that all the girls...
22. Paul Johnson: Second World War took place not so much...
23. S. Sassoon: The safest thing to be said is that nobody knew...
24. Paul von Hindenburg: In the account book of the Great War...
25. Robert Graves: We once discussed which were the cleanest...
26. C. Hughesz: All through the war the great armament firms...
27. Bertold Brecht: I was called up in the war and sent to...
28. S. Sassoon: In war-time the word patriotism means...
29. Ernest Hemingway: Many words that you could not stand...
30. Henri Barbusse: Two armies that fight each other is like...

31. Robert Graves: The gas-cylinders had by this time been put...
32. Stephen Graham: There is scarcely a school in Russia...
33. George Santayana: Only the dead have seen the end of war...
34. Harold Nicolson: We were preparing Eternal Peace...
35. Philip Gosse: Without the birds I dare not think how...
36. Field Marshal Joffre: If the women in the factories stopped...
37. Louis Simpson: Being shelled is the main work of an...
38. E.M. Remarque: In any case, the bayonet isn't as important...
39. F. Noakes: I shall not easily forget those long winter nights...
40. Gaston Boudry: I saw them tie a soldier to a cartwheel...

41. Eric Hiscock: Judging from the way they sat and goggled...
42. T.E. Lawrence: Yet when we achieved, and the new world...
43. Order: In no circumstances will the expression 'shell-shock'...
44. Woodrow Wilson: Once lead this people into war, and they...
45. G.B. Shaw: War can easily be gilt with romance and hero...
46. H.G. Wells: This is the end and the beginning of an age...
47. G. Morgan: We had been brought up to believe that Britain...
48. Rupert Brooke: It's all a terrible tragedy. And yet it is...
49. Bertrand Russell: At all times, except when a monarch...
50. G.B. Shaw: Our way of getting an army able to fight...

51. Admiral von Tirpitz: This war is the greatest insanity...
52. Henry Asquith: We are within measurable distance of a real...
53. Wilfred Owen: One is the admiration of all little boys...
54. Alice Corbin: No future historian of the United States...
55. Henry Asquith: When our armies are ready it seems folly...
56. German soldier: We were surprised to seem them walking...
57. German Regim. Diarist: Never had the machine-gunners...
58. Army Manual: If possible, the point of the bayonet should....
59. A.H. Hubbard: We had strict orders not to take prisoners...
60. Field Marshall Haig: We have to take special precautions...

61. Lloyd George: Independent thinking is not encouraged...
62. Ivor Gurney: In the mind of all the English soldiers...
63. Kathleen Yardwood: We had a large number of frostbite...
64. Mary Stollard: All that winter we took in bronchitis and...
65. Wilfred Owen: The marvel is that we did not all die of cold...
66. Lloyd George: The home front is always underrated...
67. Bertrand Russell: Patriots talk of dying for their country...
68. Horatio Bottomley: Taking stock on the morrow of victory...
69. Mrs. Berridge: If my own son can best serve England by...
70. Reg. Brook: I had them placed in special rooms, nude, but...

71. Harry Yoxall: Don't believe stories you see in the papers...
72. H.D. Lasswell: So great are the restistances to war in...
73. The Times: Our troops have successfully carried out their...
74. British journalist Rothermere: We're telling lies; we know...
75. Rudyard Kipling: However the world pretends to divide...
76. Field Marschall Haig: After lunch we went into the garden...
77. Edwin Vaughan: The cries of the wounded had diminished...
78. Vera Brittain: I wish those people who write so glibly...
79. Captain Leeham: The trench was a horrible sight...
80. Lt. W. St Leger: Some men of the line started running back...

81. Chaplain Leo Pearson: I said 'What are you doing here?'...
82. Fritz Heinemann: One enemy soldier took his water bottle...
83. George Morgan: Two men got drunk and they wandered...
84. Mary Stollard: They were pathetic, these shell-shocked boys...
85. Wilfred Owen: No-man's land under snow is like the face...
86. Paul Frolich: At 8 o'clock in the morning a dense throng...
87. E.M. Remarque: The storm lashes us, out of the confusion...
88. Basis Liddell Hart: The historian's rightful task is to distill...
89. Otto Hahn: We no longer had scruples about the whole thing...
90. Gerhard Gürtler: In the newspapers you read: "Peacefully...

91. Private H. Jeary: As far as the eye could see was a mass...
92. Private H.J. Haynes: There was an old woman in the house...
93. Private C. Cole: Something was brought near the trench...
94. Private J. Bowles: Before we left England our Chaplain...
95. Reinhold Spengler: The brutality and inhumanity of war...
96. Captain C.S. Slack: One poor little man came to me, halfwit...
97. Captain A. Christison: General Gough who was in command ...
98. Ernest Hemingway: Until the dead are buried they change...
99. S. Sassoon: Newspapers informed us that German soldiers ...

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