The Heritage of the Great War 1914-1918
Numerous graphic pictures and thought-provoking articles on the Great War: the First World War 14-18, using English and Dutch (Flemish)
De Erfenis van de Groote Oorlog '14-'18 : talloze foto's en prikkelende artikelen over de Eerste Wereldoorlog 1914 - 1918 in het Engels en Nederlands (Vlaams)
This website is about the Great War, the First World War 1914 1918, also known as Greatwar. We show graphic and censored war pictures, and Great War pictures and numerous color (colour) war photo's. Subjects are: the horror of the Great War battlefields, killed soldiers and kid soldiers (boy soldiers) in the First World War, civilians, wounded men, doctors, and the daily life in and behind the trenches of No Man's Land aka Nomansland during the Great War 14-18. Lots of music and songs from the Great War as MP3, WAV's and Real Audio files, downloadable as well. Great pictures from war-photographer Frank Hurley.
We have color pictures, photographs, pics and articles on poppies, on the armistice of 11 November 1918 (the Great War treaty of World War 1 in Versailles) ending WW1, called Eerste Wereldoorlog in Flemish or Groote Oorlog. Also the beginning, the origins of the Great War. Pictures of America (AEF) in the Great War and a list of famous people. We show pictures of soldiers wounded or killed by toxic gas (musterd gas, chlorine gas) that was put in munition or ammunition shells. We also have Great War propaganda posters and postcards and censored, forbidden pictures of corpses, dead and mutilated soldiers, mud and rain and shell holes and trenches, many trenches and entranchments, executions.
There were Great War internment camps and we have Flanders Fields in Vlaanderen, Belgium. Soldiers were killed KIA and wounded or mutilated at the Battles of the Somme, at Verdun, Ypres, Zonnebeeke, Passchendaele, the Chemin des Dames and Marne. Telegrams and pictures did not pass the censor or died on the battlefield. Don't forget the photography censors. There was music. Horrible fighting and dying with the BEF in Ypres or Wipers or Ieper, also known as Ieperen, Yper and Yperen, photographed and filmed by war photographers, sometimes in full colour, color. Vipers salient and Vimy and Passchendaele play important roles. Passendale and Picardie (or Picardy) and the Flemish Westhoek. Great War poetry like 'The making of John McCrae's poem In Flanders Fields' on poppy and poppies and of course Sassoon.
Kid soldiers were in all armies, young boys, children, dying on the battlefields. We show their Great War pictures, photo's, photographs and pics, some in color (colour). Superb war photographs by the Australian war photographer Frank Hurley. Visit the War memorial at the Menin Gate or Meense Poort, come with writers and painters, artists and poets like Albert Hahn and John McCrae and Rudyard Kipling and Siegfried Sassoon and Wilfred Owen and Erich Maria Remarque, aka Remark or Kramer. Winston Churchill is here as wel, and Robert Graves and Adolf Hitler, so is Alexander Haig. Ernest Hemingway plus Kathe Kollwitz and J.R.R. Tolkien and Barbara Tuchman. That was the Great War. Common civilian and military people. Quotes from Zimmermann and his telegram. Think of the chaplain who cares for executed soldiers at the Great War battlefields or shot at dawn by their fellow comrades. Execution and their victims (slachtoffers).
This site has also articles on origins of the Great War and on the American AEF. Plus famous people, toxic gas gifgas mosterdgas musterd gas in the First World War, munitie, munition, obus granaat and shell trenches. Gas munition dump in the North Sea. There were "internerings kampen": in English internment camp, far away from the trenches (loopgraven), but there was also an electric wire on the border between Holland (the Netherlands) and occupied Belgium. The Great War was in Flanders Fields in Vlaanderen and on the battlefields of the Somme, Verdun, the Chemin des Dames and the Marne. The BEF in Ypres, called Wipers or Ieper or Ieperen or Yper or Yperen or Vipers in the salient. Vimy and Passchendaele also known as Passendale and battles in Picardie Picardy and the Westhoek. There was a poppy and poppies near the war memorial at the Menin Gate, the Meense Poort, an "oorlogsmonument" and a klaproos, drawings by Albert Hahn. Poems by McCrae, Kipling, Siegfried Sassoon and Wilfred Owen and music from the First World War, aka Great War. Books by Erich Maria Remarque (also known as Remark or Kramer), Winston Churchill and Robert Graves. Article on Adolf Hitler and on Alexander Haig, Ernest Hemingway and Kathe Kollwitz. Tolkien is here and Barbara Tuchman who quotes Zimmermann telegram.
Chaplain poet with executed soldiers who were shot at dawn, doodgeschoten soldaten dus en de executie van slachtoffers. Censored and forbidden, prohibited pictures, photo's, in color as well. Shell shock, or shellshock in Craiglockhart with William Halse Rivers. And in Baghdad, Bagdad, general Maude and Kazim Karabekir and Pasha Prince Faisal and of course Saddam Hussein in the Middle-East or Near-East in Turkey Ottoman. Complete Great War books on the slagveld and romantic poems and poetry with love postcards letters on love (liefde) brieven brief and ansichtkaarten, heel romantisch. Beroemde personen uit Deutschland, Germany, Canada, Scotland, Ireland, England, Engeland, and Great Britain. Ook uit Nederland, Frankrijk, France and Belgium (Belgie). Australia and the Aussies, the Diggers, and Duitsland, Ierland, Amerika, Knokke. Houthulst ammunition dump and kaiser Wilhelm II crownprince. Doorn buried. Philospher Eli Siegel. Items with children, kid soldiers: boys and weapons. General colour color pictures and handcolored handcoloured and artificially colored photographs from the Great War.
Chlumberg Barnes and Mary Riter Hamilton, her Great War paintings of the Western Front. Frank Hurley, photographer from Australia in the Great War. Different from the Eastern Front and has little to do with the Christmas truce in 1914 and 1915. Aussies in Gallipoli and Pozieres, with music from the Great War in wav and midi files. William McBride and George Grosz and the electric fence, elektrische draad, in La Bassee and High Wood this tourism in neutral Netherlands (Holland) and flea market battlefields. Casualties: dead, wounded, missing in action and killed. And the executions, shot at dawn cases. Vermandere and Arthur Stadler had drawings, explicit horror, fear of hanging and suicide marshes. Complete books and maps kaarten and discussions on a forum our guestbook has a search page. Studenten and students scholars pupils. Censored and forbidden prohibited pictures from the First World War (Great War) and shell shock and shellshock.
Craiglockhart had William Halse Rivers, Great War shell shock expert. No POW prisoner-of-war. Russia and Austria and Baghdad with Maude, a general, Kazim Karabekir and Pasha Prince Faisal. Saddam Hussein not in the Great War, but later in the Middle-East. In the Near-East is Turkey 1915, 1916 en 1917. Palestine in 1918 with Jericho all in the Australian Light Horse Brigade. Ottoman Empire crushed. Complete books. Romantic postcards with love girls and romance (loving) in the Great War postcard. Poems and poetry in Vlaanderen in Vlaams and German, Duitsland or Deutschland. Germany and Canada and Scotland and Ireland all in the Great War. So was England Engeland and Great Britain and Nederland niet. Frankrijk was there, France, Belgium Belgie and Australia with Aussies, aka Diggers in Duitsland Ierland and Amerika. Knokke en Houthulst have Great War munition dump and more dumps out in the North Sea. Kaiser Wilhelm II was responsible and his son Wilhelm crownprince. Emperor was in Doorn buried. Eli Siegel philospher of philosophy. Peace movement.
Children become orphans or kid soldier boys. They had weapons in the Great War invented like tank, flame thrower, hand grenades and the infamous gas shell. General Haig. Photographers made autochrome colour (color) or handcolored cq. handcoloured photographs on the Western Front. Chlumberg was a playwright. Barnes and Mary Riter Hamilton paintings. Great War Western Front and the Eastern Front both had a Christmas Truce. And Gallipoli? Pozieres made into music from the Great War, First World War, with wav's, midi files etc. William McBride was there and George Grosz. The border had an electric fence. Not in La Bassee or High Wood where tourism went from the neutral Netherlands. Holland had a flea market on the battlefield. Many casualties: dead, wounded, missing in action, just killed. Great War casualties were 10 million. Willem Vermandere Flemish singer and story teller. Arthur Stadler drawing explicit horror in the Great War like fear hanging suicide marshes etc. Complete books with map discussions forum. Great War guestbook and search page for studenten students scholars pupils, young child children boy soldiers. Music with mp3 and midi download.
In Dutch (Netherlands) and Flemish:
Deze website gaat over de Eerste Wereldoorlog 1914-1918 ook bekend als de Groote Oorlog en betreft onderwerpen als oorlog wereld foto's fotoverzamelingen erg dood gewond slagveld en slagvelden photo's kleurenfoto's klaprozen Versailles Vlaanderen Engeland Amerika Nederland en zijn neutraliteit. De kindsoldaten van de Eerste Wereldoorlog. De kerstvrede in 1914 en 1915. Hitler en Remarque giftige gassen gifgas (mosterdgas en chloorgas) munitie in granaat obus opslag van munitie en dumpen in zee bij Knokke aan het strand voor de kust. Granaten scherven gewond en gedood artsen en soldaten oorlogsmonument klaproos. Frontkaart kaarten van het Westelijk Front. Opblazen bunkers en munitie depot van het militair leger Belgie. Zompig en modder in de loopgraaf en loopgraven in Vlaanderen en Noord Frankrijk de Westhoek met Ieperen Yperen en Verdun. Hurt by shell shock dood en leven telegram godsdienst verboden gecensureerd. Fotograaf en filmer uit Duitsland, Oostenrijk en de geallieerde landen, veel verschrikkelijke oorlogsfoto's, veel ook in kleur.
Andere landen in de Eerste Wereldoorlog waren: Italie Turkije, Australie en Canada Ierland Groot-Brittanie Palestina Australie en Nieuw-Zeeland samen de ANZAC strijdkrachten. Pasha internering kamp loopgraven. Wapenstilstand 1918 Prins koning keizer Wilhelm en de kroonprins Wilhelm uitgeweken gevlucht Wieringen en Doorn paleis huis Doorn begraven mausoleum herdenking. Veel muziek uit de Groote Oorlog, liedjes, in wav en midi formaat. Elektrische draad en elektrocutie grens bewaking vluchten en vluchtelingen: jongeren kinderen kindsoldaat vechten en sterven, doodgaan. Executies doodschieten en doodgeschoten, geexecuteerd aan het Westelijk Front doodgeschoten soldaten: slachtoffers. Muziek mp3 en midi (downloaden) en afspelen. Op het slagveld in Niemandsland in Wereldoorlog 1 14-18 zagen we kind soldaat (boy soldier), kindsoldaat en nog meer kindsoldaten, allemaal kinderen, allemaal jong. Rusland krijgsgevangenen Oostenrijkse keizer. Trein.
Beroemde personen uit de oorlog de Groote Oorlog Wereldoorlog. Veel wapens geweren kanonnen en kanon met bajonet steken met pistool schieten kogels zoals dumdum schilderijen kunst loopgraven tekeningen met angst en zelfmoord executie bij zonsopgang executiepeloton veroordeeld door krijgsraad en doodschieten doodgeschoten, vermoord. Marcheren door zompig en modder, verdrinken forum scholieren en hun werkstuk spreekbeurt groep 7 en groep 8 basisschool schrijven en voorlezen. Belgen internering kampen kleur ansichtkaart meisjes liefde romantische postkaarten en propaganda kleur handgekleurd of ingekleurd autochrome ansichtkaart militaire post en ansichtkaarten. Voor het front der troepen doodgeschoten geexecuteerd gesneuvelden en sneuvelen en gesneuveld gedicht en gedichten en dichten krijgsgevangen of pow prisoner-of-war studenten scholieren allemaal in de Groote Oorlog ook wel bekend als de Eerste Wereldoorlog.
About Ruggenberg and his books for children / Over Ruggenberg en zijn kinderboeken:
, author of the Heritage of the Great War website, is also a writer of , especially historical youth novels, e.g. (The Waterdunes Treason), set during the 80 Years War between the Netherlands and Spain, and (Slaver) on the subject of Dutch slave trade in the 17th century.
, auteur en webmaster van de Erfenis van de Groote Oorlog website, is ook schrijver van , met name van historische jeugdromans, zoals , dat zich tijdens de Tachtigjarige Oorlog afspeelt, en , over de Nederlandse slavenhandel in de 17de eeuw.