Alim Khan, Emir of Bukhara
Digichromatography picture made by the Russian photographer Sergei Mikhailovich Prokudin-Gorskii, 1917.
During the Great War, in April 1917, the emir pronounced the indepence of Bukhara. He fought against the Russian troops merely to gain freedom. In 1920, after a prolonged battle with Bolshevik forces, the emir was driven into Afghanistan.
Spiked Helmet Platoon
German picture of a spiked helmet platoon.
The Germans wore these helmets only in the beginning of the Great War.
The original caption reads: Machinegun crew after the battle.
Under A Zeppelin
German artillery exercise.
Under A Zeppelin (2)
Another picture of a German artillery exercise.
Again the Zeppelin hovers above the scene.
German Landsturm platoon.
German one decker Krieger: Fighter.
Gefangene Schottländer is the original caption with this German war picture.
The Scottish Prisoners-Of-War are having their soup.
The picture is from a German series on POW's.
POW's Taken Near Ypres
This German picture shows Prisoners-of-War, taken near Ypres in Belgium.
According to the original caption they are French, Belgian, Senegalese, Zouaves and Turcos.
Kriegsgefangene Turkos, North-Africans taken prisoner.
German picture.
German picture: Prisoners-Of-War in the barbershop in their camp at Wahner Heide (Wahner Moor).
The allies also published pictures of their POW's.
'Thirsty German prisoners in their barbed wire cage', is the text on the backside of this official British war photograph.
Somme Village
German soldiers in a destroyed village near the Somme.
Apparently this picture was taken behind the first line, as these soldiers seem to be quite at ease. Some of them are even half undressed.
Help from the French
French cavalry arriving to reinforce the Belgians around Namur, Belgium, summer 1914.
Belgian soldiers remove one of the many road obstructions which have been placed there to check sudden raids from Uhlans.
Picture made by a photographer of the New York based International News Service agency.
Belgian Soldiers Behind the Entrenchments on the Road to Malines.
Another picture from the International News Service agency.
Welcome Occupation
French troops entering this Belgian village are warmly welcomed.
Running Attack
French troops advancing on the double quick.
Off to the Front
A squadron of 'Guides', the crack cavalry of Belgium, en route to join the army of defense holding the Germans in check.
Picture made by an unknown photographer of the American Underwood & Underwood Press Agency.
According to the caption this picture shows the British king visiting the front and talking to an hospital matron.
The place might be France but this sure is not the front...
Daily Mail Picture.
Peace (?)
A German postcard from 1916, with the amazing caption Abendfrieden in Feindesland: Evening Peace in the Enemy's Country.
On the address side there is a astonishing poem printed. The poem, by Hans Spacek, is devoted to the Battle of Verdun. In translation the first lines are: When the evening clock bells / it becomes quiet in the country of the enemy.
We can easily assume that mr Spacek was not a soldier.
British soldiers with a machinegun.