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Scholars and students who have made papers or essays on the Great War are hereby encouraged to publish their work on this page.
Not only can these writings serve as information for a larger public, they can also help other students on their way - or just be sources of inspiration.
All languages are allowed. There will be no discrimination of level, so that students of all ages and all kinds of education may find something they can use.
1) In some countries 11 November is celebrated as Remembrance Day. In other countries this day is called Veterans Day, or Armistice Day, or Waffenstillstands Tag, or Wapenstilstandsdag.
Furthermore you can find on this website much sought after comprehensive and abridged versions of the Versailles Treaty, an assesment of the casualties in the Great War, a list of famous (and infamous) persons from that war, and a map of the Western Front. We have an article discussing the origins and causes of the Great War. American students may have a special interest in how America entered the war (they should also take a look at our complete books-
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